His Most Suitable Bride Read online

Page 5

  “You mentioned that Mrs. Singletary sent you over to retrieve a package from me.” His brows pulled tighter together, making him appear more confused than thoughtful. “Do you know what package she meant?”

  “She didn’t give me any details.” Callie tried to shrug off her own bafflement. “She merely said that you would be expecting me before the end of business today.”

  Frowning now, he glanced at his desk.

  Callie followed the direction of his gaze, but saw no package, only several piles of papers, a cup of writing utensils, countless ledgers of assorted sizes and an ink pot.

  “She must have meant the revised contracts.” Making a sound deep in his throat, Reese moved around to the other side of his desk. Instead of reaching for one of the larger stacks, he placed his hand over a single piece of paper. Folded from top to bottom, it looked more like a letter than a legal brief.

  Shaking his head, he muttered something under his breath. Callie didn’t catch all of what he said, but she thought she might have heard something about meddlesome, interfering woman.

  “Mr. Bennett...I mean, Reese,” she amended when he looked up sharply. “Is something the matter?”

  He drummed his fingers atop the letter. “No.” He drew in a slow, careful breath. “Everything is in order.”

  His tone said otherwise.

  “You are certain?”

  For a span of three breaths, he said nothing, merely held her gaze. Then, he gave a single nod of his head. “Yes.”

  He looked back down at his desk, reached out and stuffed one of the smaller stacks into a leather satchel.

  He started to flip over the lid then paused.

  His gaze shifted to where the folded piece of paper still sat. A moment’s hesitation and, with a swift move, he picked up the letter and placed that inside the satchel, as well.

  His lips were twisted at a wry angle as he came back around his desk. “Here you are. The package Mrs. Singletary sent you to retrieve.”

  “Thank you.”

  Their fingers briefly touched as he transferred the satchel into her care. Callie smothered a gasp as her heartbeat picked up speed. Her mouth went dry.

  Every muscle in her body tensed.

  Her strong, inexplicable, tangible reaction over a light brush of their hands mortified her.

  Hiding her reaction beneath lowered lashes, she turned to go.

  Reese’s voice stopped her at the threshold of his office. “Callie.”

  She paused, looked over her shoulder. “Yes?”

  “I still have more to say to you.”

  Glory. That sounded ominous.

  His footsteps struck the wood floor as he approached her from behind. Closer. Closer. He reached around her, grabbed the door as if to shut it, then quickly dropped his hand and stepped back.

  Callie felt a cold rush of air sweep over her.

  “I prefer not to speak to your back.”

  She turned around to face him.

  He leaned toward her, a mere fraction closer. “I wanted to tell you...” His words trailed off as he considered her through slightly narrowed eyes. “That is, have a nice day.”

  Have a nice day? Reese had asked her to face him so he could tell her to have a nice day?

  Perplexed, she gave up all pretense of control and gaped at the confounding man. If she was wise, she would turn around again and walk out the door. After, of course, she issued the same nonsensical platitude he’d just given her.


  She could be a little more daring. She could tap in to the woman she’d been long ago, before a secret scandal had nearly ruined her.

  “No, Reese.” She took a step toward him. “I will not have a nice day.”

  A single, winged eyebrow lifted in surprise. “I beg your pardon?”

  “I have five brothers,” she said in way of explanation. “Three older and two younger.”

  Now both eyebrows rose.

  It was a very intimidating look. Dark, brooding, slightly dangerous. Most women would be cowed. Callie was not. “I know precisely when a man is skirting around the truth.”

  “Did you just call me out for lying?”

  At the sound of his masculine outrage, mutiny swept through her, making her bolder than she’d been in a very long time.

  “Take it however you will. But I’m not leaving this office until you tell me exactly why you really asked to speak with me—” she closed the distance between them and pinned him with her gaze “—and why you requested to do so in private.”

  * * *

  Reese’s chest felt odd. His pulse quickened in his veins. His throat tightened. All because this woman, a woman he’d known for years, had morphed into a completely different creature than the docile, overly polite, levelheaded wallflower she presented to the world.

  The transformation had nothing to do with the clothes she wore. And everything to do with the woman herself.

  Proud and defiant now, her unwavering gaze locked with his. She was clearly waiting for him to explain himself, to tell her why he’d requested a private word with her.

  He couldn’t remember why. He could barely organize his thoughts beyond the shocked realization that the woman leaning toward him with a fierce scowl on her face was a total stranger.

  Callie Mitchell usually drifted along the edges of most rooms, never drawing attention to herself, never making waves. At the moment, that woman was nowhere to be found.

  On the surface, she’d changed nothing but her dress. Yet now, Reese saw the woman beneath the dull facade. A little wilder, a tad more dangerous, exciting and—


  He’d been staring too long.

  He opened his mouth, then shut it again as several voices rang out from the hallway. Not wanting an audience, Reese reached to take Callie’s arm. He dropped his hand before making contact. Touching her would be a terrible idea.

  The worst of all terrible ideas.

  He motioned her deeper into the office with a nod of his head. He did not, however, close the door behind her.

  There was privacy. And then there was privacy.

  “Please, Callie, take a seat.” He indicated the set of chairs facing his desk.

  She nodded, moving through the room with exaggerated dignity, her steps graceful yet carefully monitored.

  Always so controlled, he thought, always hiding behind a veil of self-possession and restraint.

  How well he understood.

  The realization they had that in common left him vaguely disturbed.

  Her posture perfectly precise, she lowered into the burgundy wing-back chair facing his desk and placed the leather satchel upon her lap.

  After a moment of consideration, Reese chose to sit in the empty chair beside her.

  She twisted her hands together. With all emotion stripped from her face, she nearly fooled him into thinking she was completely self-possessed. But her gaze didn’t quite meet his, landing instead on a spot just above his right eye.

  She was nervous.

  Good to know he wasn’t the only one feeling uneasy.

  Now that he had Callie alone—mostly—Reese wasn’t sure how to broach the subject that had been nagging at him for some time now. The direct approach was always best. “We need to discuss the changing nature of our relationship.”

  Her gaze whipped to his and he noted, somewhat inappropriately, that her eyelashes were long, utterly enchanting and several shades darker than her blond hair.

  “I wasn’t aware we had a relationship.”

  He frowned at her stiff tone, oddly irritated. “Of course we do.” It was awkward and uncomfortable, to be sure, but existed all the same. “Now that you are Mrs. Singletary’s companion and I’m once again in charge of her busines
s affairs, our paths will cross often.”

  “Mrs. Singletary said the same thing just this morning.” She lowered her gaze. “My brother taking that job in St. Louis has brought changes to all our lives.”

  Before now, Reese hadn’t considered what the attorney’s departure meant to Callie. “You miss him.”

  “Very much.” She worked her hands together in her lap. “I also miss his wife, Molly.”

  “You two were close?”

  “Oh, yes, but not as close as—” She broke off, drew her bottom lip between her teeth, looked everywhere but at him.

  “Not as close as you and Fanny,” he finished for her.

  She nodded. “I miss her most of all.”

  “That’s understandable. You are sisters. And the only two girls in a large family of boys.” As an only child he couldn’t imagine what it was like to grow up with that many siblings.

  “Fanny has always been my best friend.” She met his gaze. “We are only eleven months apart in age.”

  Reese tried not to show his surprise, even as he did a mental calculation. He’d always thought Callie far older than her sister. Her maturity, her outer calm and, of course, her ability to control her emotions were qualities he attributed to a woman far older than twenty-three.

  “Have you heard from your sister recently?”

  “No.” She shook her head. “She has not answered any of my letters.”

  “None of them?”

  “Not one.”

  That didn’t sound like Fanny. Then again, Reese was quickly discovering how little he knew the woman he’d once asked to marry him. How could she not respond to her only sister’s letters?

  No wonder Callie appeared upset.

  For a shocking moment, he yearned to pull her to him and offer what comfort he could. The urge grew stronger when she wiped secretly at her eyes and snuffled a little. The sound was practically nonexistent, and all the more sorrowful because of the restraint.

  “It must be difficult,” he said, lowering his voice, “not hearing from your own sister.”

  “You have no idea.” Her expression closed, but not before he’d seen the hint of misery in her eyes. “Have you heard from Fanny?”

  “Of course not.”

  “I’m so sorry. Oh, Reese, truly I am.” Her hand reached out and touched his forearm, as if she thought he needed comforting. “Do not despair. Fanny will come to her senses.”

  Surely, Callie didn’t think he pined for her sister. For a long, tense moment, he watched her watching him with silent sympathy in her gaze.

  This, he realized, was why he’d wanted to speak with her alone. They needed to sort a few things out between them. “I miss your sister, it’s true. But not, perhaps, as you may think.” He held her gaze, willing her to hear him. “I miss our friendship.”

  “Your...friendship?” She said the word as if tasting something foul. “Surely Fanny was more to you than a friend.”

  “At the time I issued my proposal I believed your sister and I were well suited.” An error in judgment he didn’t plan to repeat. Perhaps relying on Mrs. Singletary’s help would turn out to be a wise move, after all. What better way to avoid pursuing the wrong woman again? “I’m not what your sister wants.”

  Callie flinched as though he’d slapped her. “Don’t say that. Of course you are. Fanny is going to change her mind, I just know it. And then you and she can—”

  “No, we can’t.”

  “But—” she blinked at him “—if she came home, wouldn’t you want to—”

  “I would not.” He touched her hand briefly, once again willing her to hear him. Really hear him. “Even if Fanny changed her mind tomorrow, I would not want her back.”

  Her eyes widened. Then narrowed. “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because I want you to understand that your sister and I will never marry.” He waited for her to process his words, then added, “However, just because I’m not engaged to Fanny anymore doesn’t mean you and I can’t be...”

  He paused, not sure how to continue. Even taking into account the personal nature of their discussion, this conversation shouldn’t be so difficult. He was a trained lawyer, skilled at putting words together to make his case.

  “I don’t want there to be any more awkwardness between us,” he said, finally coming to the crux of the matter.

  Her shoulders relaxed, just a hair, but enough for Reese to know she agreed with him. “I don’t want that, either,” she said, her eyes shining bright with emotion.

  Those eyes, he thought, they were unlike any he’d ever seen. How had he never noticed the various shades of green in them, or the way thin, gold flecks wove through the irises?

  He cleared his throat, a gesture he seemed to repeat far too often in this woman’s company.

  “I believe you and I could be friends.” He told himself this was a necessary step if they were going to be in daily contact. But, strangely, conversely, Reese actually wanted to be friends with this woman. “I’m willing to make the attempt.”

  Pulling her bottom lip between her teeth, she angled her head. “You used the same term to describe your relationship with Fanny. Are you not concerned what she will think when she comes home and discovers we have become...friends?”


  Something flickered in Callie’s eyes. A hint of rebellion? Reluctant interest, perhaps? Either way, he had her attention. And now that he did, he decided to change tactics. “Don’t tell me you’re afraid.”

  She abruptly straightened in her chair, her spine as stiff as a fire poker, her face free of expression. “What a ridiculous notion.”

  Oh, this woman was a true master of control.

  Some long-remembered defiant streak of his own wanted to ruffle her calm. Just how far could he push this woman, Reese wondered?

  He leaned in closer still. “Are you afraid of me, Callie?”

  She sniffed with obvious disdain. “Never.”

  He’d known that would be her response. Somehow, he’d known. “Then we start anew, right now.”

  “You are very persistent.”

  She had no idea how persistent he could be when he wanted something. He wanted Callie’s friendship. More than he should.

  More than was wise.

  “What do you say?” Feeling more alive than he had in years, he reached out his hand. “Shall we be friends?”

  She took his hand, her smile bolder than before and far too appealing. “I’d like nothing better than to forge a friendship with you...Reese.”

  The way she said his name, low and challenging, filled his chest with dread.

  What have I just done?

  Chapter Five

  Callie exited Reese’s office with purposeful strides. She could feel his gaze following her progress down the never-ending hallway that eventually spilled into the law firm’s reception area. Was he watching her departure with a smile on his face?

  Or did he wear that thoughtful expression she found so appealing? She desperately wanted to glance over her shoulder to discover what was in his eyes.

  She kept walking, ensuring each step was precisely placed on the floor, one foot in front of the other. Heel, toe. Heel, toe. No doubt she appeared in complete control of herself.

  Not true.

  Her emotions, though carefully contained, were in tatters.

  Why had she agreed to Reese’s suggestion they become friends? It was true, she’d once wished to grow close to the man, perhaps even build something more than a friendship. But that had been before he’d asked Fanny to marry him.

  Even if he hadn’t offered for her sister’s hand, Callie was still, well, Callie. A staid, boring, sensible woman who took no missteps, crossed no lines and certainly never befriended a man outside her own family.
  Feeling confused—and so very much alone—she attempted to pray for discernment as she exited Bennett, Bennett and Brand law offices. A cool, gentle breeze caressed her face yet the words wouldn’t come, even in the privacy of her own mind. She hunched her shoulders forward and approached the waiting carriage.

  “Ready to go, Miss Callie?”

  “Yes, Horace.” She smiled at Mrs. Singletary’s coach driver. “I am more than ready to go home.”

  Home. Where was home for her now? Mrs. Singletary’s massive house? The Mitchell family ranch?

  Neither place called to her.

  Another reason she felt so alone. Lord, where do I belong?

  Heavyhearted, she climbed into the carriage. Once settled on the butter-soft calfskin seat, she rapped on the ceiling. The coach jerked into motion. Tightly coiled springs absorbed most of the dips and bumps along the twenty-minute journey across town. So smooth was the ride, in fact, that Callie relaxed her head against the plush squabs.

  Her thoughts, however, continued to race.

  Why—oh, why—had she reacted to Reese’s obvious attempt to bait her? She may be many things, but afraid? Rarely. And yet...

  She was afraid now. Afraid of what came next. Afraid of what a friendship between her and Reese really meant, especially with regard to Fanny.

  A sob worked its way up her throat. For an instant, just one beat of her heart, she wished her sister would stay away forever. In the most hidden part of Callie’s soul the truth rang loud.

  She resented Fanny.

  The girl had callously walked away from a good man, the best of them all. And now, that same man claimed he wanted to be Callie’s friend. Her friend.

  No good would come from such an arrangement. Friendship often blossomed into something deeper. That was her greatest fear. Because, deep down, it was her greatest hope.

  In fresh agony, she pressed her fingertips to her temples and squeezed her eyes closed. She knew the situation was hopeless—truly, she did—yet Callie yearned for something more. Something life-altering.

  Something...she had no business wishing for herself.

  The carriage drew to an abrupt halt, splintering the rest of her thoughts.